
Visit our shop page to buy the game or join Patreon for exclusive new cards!

Card back - 52 Dragons52 Dragons is an fantasy card game, created by Jason Bougger and released in 2020 as the debut game for D52 Gaming, LLC.

The idea behind the game is that while collectible cards games are a lot of fun, not all gamers have the time and resources to devote to building the collection of card necessary to compete with other players. With this game, one deck is all you will ever need to buy. (A regular six-sided die is also required to play.)

In 52 Dragons, up to four players compete by drawing cards from the same deck. The object is to construct a Battle Dragon by drawing cards and assigning an elemental type of either Earth, Air, Water, or Fire, and then with the help of the remaining cards in the deck and a six-side die, battle the other players’ Dragons to the death.

A two-player game can be a quick as a few minutes or as long as a half-hour. The strategy is similar to that of Magic: The Gathering or Pokémon, but 52 Dragons stands on its own as a fantasy card game that combines luck and skill to defeat your opponents.

While the Basic Set of 52 cards is all you ever need to buy in order to play, a Deluxe Edition will also be available, which includes dice, poison counters, and additional bonus cards. Special Edition Cards are available through Patreon and Expansion packs will soon be available from The Game Crafter.

The Basic and Deluxe Editions are currently available for purchase at The Game Crafter and Amazon.

Visit our shop page to buy the game or join Patreon for exclusive new cards!

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All Dragon illustrations are copyrighted material of Dimitri Elevit, Pam Jaworska, and OriginalSinDigital, and are licensed for commercial use within this game and promotional material.