Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does every dragon merged to your Battle Dragon after the first one affect your overall health point total with the shield points? 

A: Yes. If a Merge Ability contains a Health Point modifier (a ‘Shield Icon’), it increases/decreases the Health Points of the Battle Dragon.

Q: Am I right in thinking that if you get the Basic Set, it limits you to only playing 2 player as you only have 2 Battle Dragon Player Cards?

A: No. The Basic Set does only include 2 double-sided Battle Dragon Player Cards. The Player Cards don’t actually affect game play; they are just markers to represent the Elemental Type of the players’ Battle Dragon. I would have liked to include 4 in the Basic Set, but the way the printing works, it prints in sheets of 18 cards each. They charge per page instead of per card, so it’s a 54 card max (18 cards x 3 sheets). Adding 2 more cards would cause the printer to charge for one more full sheet (18×4) and that just wouldn’t be cost-effective for the Basic Set. The Deluxe Edition includes 4 Player Cards and the Dragonlord Expansion Pack contains 6 more Player Cards. Additional Battle Dragon Player Cards can also be freely downloaded and printed from the Downloads Page.

Q: I’m curious if multiple players can have the same Elemental Type. If I draw an awesome Earth hand as second player, am I hosed if the first player picks Earth?

A: All players can have the same type of dragon, even if there are not enough Battle Dragon Player Cards to use. The Player Cards don’t actually affect the game play; they are just included to note the Elemental Type of the Battle Dragon.  If there are not enough Player Cards available, players can use any method they choose for marking Elemental Type. Additional Battle Dragon Player Cards can also be freely downloaded and printed from the Downloads Page.

Q: Do you have plans to release 52 Dragons in languages other than English?

A: Yes, I’ve seen interest from gamers hoping for French and Spanish versions. I would also love to see a Japanese edition at some point. Unfortunately I have no timeline for these editions, as I need to finish the production of the English version first. Continue to follow the blog and social media sites for updates.

Have a question about gameplay? Ask on the Contact Page and I’ll add it to the FAQ.