Printable Battle Dragon Player Cards

The Basic and Deluxe Editions include a limited number of Battle Dragon Player cards. If you want or need more than are what included, we now have a PDF download with new Battle Dragon Player Cards that you can print out and use for play.

Check it out at the Downloads Page!

We did it! 118% funded.

52 Dragons is funded and will be available for purchase soon on The Game Crafter and Amazon.

Wow, I can’t begin to say how thankful I am for all the support and encouragement I received throughout this process. This was not only my first Kickstarter campaign, but also the first game I’ve designed.

I’m so excited to see 52 Dragons get funded. The funds raised with first be used for fulfilling the rewards to the backers.

The game is nearly complete. I need to finish the revisions of the instruction manual, and then have everything proofread. After that, it should be ready to print and ship. I’m shooting for late-January at the earliest, or mid-March at the latest.

The remaining funds will be used partially for marketing and sending copies to reviews. I also have several expansion packs planned and will be designing a new Special Edition Card each month, which will be available in various tiers for our Patreon patrons.

All of the updates will be listed here on the website, as well as on on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks again for your support. It means the world to me.

Kickstarter Update: 76%

Great news so far. We had a couple of big days and are over 3/4 of the way there now.  As of this writing, we’ve got a total of $2291.00 (76%). There are only 10 day left, however, so I’m still getting a little worried. Any shares are appreciated!

Thanks again for your support 🙂

Kickstarter Update: 67%

Wow, it was very exciting to cross the $2000 threshold today. The campaign is half over now and we’re 67% funded. I’m hoping that’s good news, but we still need nearly $1000 to get this thing funded.

To everyone who has backed the game or share the KS, thank you so much. Hopefully I’m back tomorrow with more good news 🙂

Kickstarter Update: 64%

Back for another update on the Kickstarter campaign, and it’s a great one. We had a really great weekend and are nearly 2/3 of the way there with 16 days remaining.

$1934 of the needed $3000. Let’s all cross our fingers and see if we can hit $2000 by the end of the night.

Thanks for your support, and please continue to spread the word.


Kickstarter Update: 52%

Hey everybody! With 20 days left in the campaign, we crossed the have-way mark and closed out the day at 52%. Just awesome.

At $1567, we still need another $1433 to get funded, so please continue to spread the word.

Thanks and have a great night 🙂

Kickstarter update: 48%

We had nice big day today, picking up 3 new backer and bringing the total up to $1459. The funding goal is beginning to look more realistic every day.

Thanks again to everyone who has backed the project or shared our campaign.

Take care, and let’s cross our fingers that we hit 50% tonight!

Kickstarter Update: 43%

Slowly but surely, as they say. We’re at $1319 of the $3000 (43%).

In somewhat related news, I hung out with the local game designer group in Omaha tonight and had a great time.  A couple of them are launching a big campaign soon, so I’ll share it here when it it goes live.

Otherwise, thanks for your support!

Kickstarter Update: 41%

Well, good news after yesterday’s blunder.  We got four new backers and reached 41% with $1254 of our $3000 goal.  We’re approaching the half-way point.

I’m starting to believe we may actually see this thing through.

Thanks for your continuing support!

Kickstarter Update: 34%…Wait, what?

Well, you have some good days and you have some bad days. I’d say today qualified as not a good day as far as backers are concerned. That’s okay, there are still 24 days left in the campaign and I’m feeling pretty optimistic about it.

Thank you all for your support and for helping spread the word 🙂